Absence of right-axis deviation and the presence of upright T waves in V 1–V 2 are also against RVH.įIGURE 269e-12 SR with RBBB (broad terminal R wave in V 1 ) and left anterior fascicular block (hemiblock) and pathologic anterior Q waves in V 1 –V 3. Wide (0.04 s) Q waves in the inferior leads (II, III, aVF) broad R wave in V 1 (a Q wave “equivalent” here). Findings compatible with prior anterolateral MI and left ventricular aneurysm.įIGURE 269e-11 Prior inferior-posterior MI. Pathologic Q waves in V 1–V 5 and aVL with ST elevations (a chronic finding in this patient). T-wave abnormalities in leads I and aVL, V 5, and V 6.įIGURE 269e-10 SR with PR prolongation (“first-degree AV block”), left atrial abnormality, LVH, and RBBB. RBBB pathologic Q waves and ST elevation due to acute anterior/septal MI in V 1–V 3.įIGURE 269e-8 Acute anteroseptal MI (Q waves and ST elevations in V 1 –V 4 ) with RBBB (note terminal R waves in V 1 ).įIGURE 269e-9 Extensive prior MI involving inferior-posterior-lateral wall (Q waves in leads II, III, aVF, tall R waves in V 1, V 2, and Q waves in V 5, V 6 ). Marked reciprocal ST-segment depressions in III and aVF.įIGURE 269e-6 Acute anterior wall MI with ST elevations and Q waves in V 1 –V 4 and aVL and reciprocal inferior ST depressions.įIGURE 269e-7 SR with premature atrial complexes. Marked ischemic ST-segment elevations in inferior limb leads (II, III, aVF) and laterally (V 6) suggestive of acute inferolateral MI, and prominent ST-segment depressions with upright T waves in V 1–V 4 are consistent with associated acute posterior MI.įIGURE 269e-5 Acute, extensive anterior MI with marked ST elevations in I, aVL, V 1 –V 6 and low amplitude pathologic Q waves in V 3 –V 6.

Left atrial abnormality.įIGURE 269e-4 Sinus tachycardia. Ischemic ST depressions also in V 3 and V 4. Probable prior inferior MI with Q waves in leads II, III, and aVF.įIGURE 269e-3 Acute lateral ischemia with ST elevations in I and aVL with probable reciprocal ST depressions inferiorly (II, III, and aVF). SR-sinus rhythm MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA AND INFARCTIONįIGURE 269e-1 Anterior wall ischemia (deep T-wave inversions and ST-segment depressions in I, aVL, V 3–V 6) in a patient with LVH (increased voltage in V 2–V 5).įIGURE 269e-2 Acute anterolateral wall ischemia with ST elevations in V 4 –V 6. The abbreviations used in this chapter are as follows: The interpretations emphasize findings of specific teaching value.Īll of the figures are from ECG Wave-Maven, Copyright 2003, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,.

The electrocardiograms (ECGs) in this atlas supplement those illustrated in Chap.